Ask any cigar aficionado where they best cigars in the world are made and virtually every one of them will say “Cuba.” There are a number of reasons that Cuban cigars are considered to be the best in the world. For one, manufacturers have been producing cigars from Cuban grown tobacco for hundreds of years, ever since the time of King Phillip II of Spain (1527 – 1598).
Currently the Cuban cigar industry is strictly controlled by
the government. This ensures that every
cigar that leaves the factory is properly rolled, is well made, and doesn’t
contain any imperfections or flaws. The
attention to detail and the dedicated care that goes into making each and every
Cuban cigar is one of the things that sets Cuban cigars apart from those made
in any other country.
Every genuine Cuban cigar is made with care from the highest
quality materials. Whereas as most other
cigars are made from blends of different types of tobacco, Cuban cigars are
made from only Cuban tobacco, and Cuban tobacco is superlative. It’s usually full bodied and strong, which
gives each cigar an aromatic and spicy flavor.
The unmistakable aroma of a Cuban cigar only comes from high
quality Cuban tobacco that’s been harvested correctly then properly dried, cut
and wrapped. Hardcore cigar smokers
agree that the strongest smoke only comes from Cuban cigars. Ironically, their strong taste and aroma is
also why most inexperienced cigar smokers don’t really care for Cuban cigars.
It’s been estimated that more than 100 steps are involved in
producing a single Cuban cigar. This
regimen has not changed much for more than 100 years. Because the Cuban government is determined to
maintain the reputation of these cigars, you can be assured that every single
cigar that leaves Cuba is perfect and does not contain even a single flaw.
It’s unfortunate that these cigars
aren’t easily available and are difficult to come by outside of the
island. That’s probably one of the
reasons that they are even more desirable throughout the world.
In 1962 President John F. Kennedy signed
an Executive Order which extended the Cuban embargo to include his favorite
Cuban cigars. A little known fact is
that he asked Pierre Salinger, his press secretary, to get as many H. Upmanns
as possible. Twelve hundred boxes of
Cuban H. Upmann Petit Coronas arrived the next day, right before the embargo
was enforced.
Today it is once again possible
for Americans to visit Cuba. They are even allowed to bring back a limited
amount of cigars. However legislation
still does not permit Cuban cigars to be imported into the United States.
Cuban cigars are so highly prized that entire companies have
dedicated themselves to producing sub-par fake Cuban cigars. Unfortunately it is very difficult to tell
whether a cigar is a genuine Cuban cigar just by looking at it. But if you are knowledgeable about cigars,
once you’ve tried it you will know whether or not it is genuine.
Author Bio – Jason Daniels has been a cigar lover since the
turn of the century. When circumstances
don’t permit his smoking a cigar you’ll often find him with an ecig in his
I utterly attitude and revalue your bushel on each and every target.
ReplyDeleteashton cigars
Looks like the essayist has put a considerable measure of diligent work into this.
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