If you were to ask just about any cigar aficionado where the
world’s finest cigars come from you would probably see a smile cross their face,
their eyes look up to heaven, and hear “Cuba” roll from their lips. Strong, full-bodied Cuban tobacco is the best
in the world. That’s why hand rolled
Cuban cigars are so aromatic and spicy.
They are the epitome of the cigar maker’s craft.
Over the years a mystique has grown up around these cigars. Secrets about these beautiful stogies have
been whispered into the ears of world leaders, the captains of industry and
anyone else who has been lucky enough to smoke one. Some of these stories are
true, yet some are fantasy. Today we’ll
reveal the truth about some of the myths and legends about Cuban cigars.
The Bigger the Cigar the Stronger the Taste
Myths abound that correlate the strength of a cigar with its
size. Most myths suggest that the bigger
a cigar is the stronger it is. Actually,
there is no correlation between the strength and the size of a cigar. If a large cigar is made from mild tobacco
it’s mellow. Conversely, if a small
cigar is made from strong tobacco it is strong.
Cuban Cigars are Rolled on the Thighs of Virgin Women Rollers
Sorry to disappoint you if you believe this myth, but Cuban
cigars are rolled by men and women. Some
of them are virgins, while some are not.
As far as cigars being rolled on anyone’s thighs go, that’s
an urban legend as well. If you had the
skill to roll a cigar you’d find that it would be extremely uncomfortable
trying to roll it on your thigh. The
Cuban cigar factories have furnished areas where the cigar rollers create their
masterpieces on wooden rolling platforms.
A Cigar’s Strength and Body are the Same
Experienced cigar smokers know that strength and body are
different. Full bodied cigars aren’t
necessarily strong, and vice versa. A
cigar’s strength is dependent on the spice and amount of nicotine in the
tobacco, not on the flavor of the cigar.
Only Perfect Cigars Burn with a White Ash
Here’s another legend that’s about to bite the dust. If a cigar burns with a white ash it only
means that the tobacco was grown in soil that had a lot of calcium and
phosphorous. If a cigar burns with a
grey ash it just means that the land the cigar tobacco was grown on has a lot
of magnesium in the soil.
The Darker the Maduro (the Wrapper) the Stronger the Cigar
This is also a myth.
The color of the maduro does not indicate how strong a cigar is. There’s only way to find out how strong a
cigar is and that is to smoke it.
JFK Wanted to Exempt Cuban Cigars from the Embargo
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy loved Cuban cigars. Right before the embargo became official he
had his press secretary, Pierre Salinger, secure 1,200 boxes of H. Upmann Petit
Kennedy actually did want to exempt Cuban cigars from the
embargo. However, tobacconists from
Tampa opposed this idea and confronted him with it. Obviously, they won.
There you have it – the truth about half a dozen of the most
popular myths and legends about cigars.
One thing that you can’t debunk, though, is the pleasure you can get
from smoking a fine cigar – Cuban or otherwise.
Author Bio – Jason Daniels enjoys cigars and loves writing
about them. When he’s not writing
articles about cigars you might find him journeying to lands where cigars are
manufactured. And, when he’s not smoking
cigars, you’ll often find e-cigs between his lips.
FYI, Salinger procured 1200 Upmann cigars, not boxes. This error is found in at least one other of your posts. I enjoy your blog and hope you post more.
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