Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Types of Mild Cigars


Whether you are a beginner cigar smoker, or a cigar aficionado who enjoys the smooth pleasure of a mild cigar, there is quite a range of brands to choose from. Milder cigars also have the advantage of being a little less expensive than more robust cigars, which also makes them great for beginners. Here is a rundown on some of the most popular types of mild cigar.

The Macanudo - The Macanudo is a premium mild cigar, hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic. It is the highest selling cigar in the United States. Favored for its consistency, this cigar is made with a blend of Dominican filler with a Connecticut shade wrapper and a binder from Mexico’s San Andres valley. The Hyde Park CafĂ© variety it has a unique, light flavor of herbs, cashews and almonds.

CAO – The CAO Criollo cigar is hand-rolled with a blend of Cuban-seed tobacco grown in Nicaragua. They are sought after for their mild to medium strength and enjoyed by beginners as well as veteran smokers. Their flavor has subtle tones of chestnuts, coffee and mushrooms.

The Helix Blue Tubular Cigar – This is a very mild, super smooth cigar. It has a flavor very similar to Macanudo and had a blend of Dominican, Brazilian and Honduran filler, with a Connecticut shade wrapper and a Mexican binder. 

Baccarat Rothschild Natural Cigar – These cigars are one of the mildest and most aromatic cigars you can find. This brand is a favorite among new cigar smokers. They contain Honduran tobacco rolled in a sweet wrapper. Despite being a premium cigar, this is still in the more affordable price range.

Montecristo Yellow Robusto Natural – The Montecristo is a legendary cigar originating from Cuba and now Dominican-grown. This particular type is favored for its incredibly smooth, creamy flavor and sweet aroma. The cigar is laced with the gentle flavors of cedar and nuts.

Casa Torano - Another favorite of the beginner cigar smoker, the Casa Torano, is made in the Honduras. It is a mild to medium-build cigar that is full of smooth flavor. Favored for its earthy, peppery tones which make a subtle contrast to its creaminess, this cigar is sure to please your palate.

Gispert – This is a deliciously mild and very inexpensive cigar, which is great for beginners and more seasoned smokers alike. It has a subtle flavor of aged wood and a hint of leather. This cigar has been around since the 19th century and its popularity continues to o today.

Author Bio:

Corinna Underwood is a freelance writer and cigar aficionado. She enjoys writing about the many types of cigars as well as pipes and e cigarettes.

1 comment:

  1. Cigars for Less Club is a premium cigar retailer with a strong emphasis on product knowledge and customer satisfaction. Catering to thousands of enthusiasts each day, we provide a simple, hassle-free shopping experience by phone or online.
